Summer lawn prep: 4 things you need
It’s the time of year to get your lawn and garden prepared for summer! To help you on your way, we’ve put together this list of four products you need to buy in order to prepare your garden. Use these products this weekend and have the nicest looking yard in the neighborhood by next week! Here are our recommendations

Aeration is essential to a healthy, happy lawn. It allows air, water and nutrients into your soil, keeping your grass green and healthy all summer long. Aeration opens up tiny pockets in your soil where roots can grow and develop. This also keeps these vital nutrients from being washed away by rainwater or being used up by other plants that aren’t part of your grassy ecosystem.
You can use either manual or motorized aerators. Manual ones are less expensive but require some elbow grease on your part; they work by essentially pushing holes through your lawn with a spike-like device called an auger. Motorized ones are more expensive but save time and energy while doing their job. Either way, you should get yours now so it has time to do its job before hot weather sets in!
For about $150, you can get a mid-range model that works well for smaller yards. An electric model will cost about $300, though if you have several acres of land to take care of, it may be worth it to go electric. However, if that’s out of budget, a second-hand aerator will do the trick. ReStores, for example, have home and garden supplies you can shop all year round!
Overseed is a lawn maintenance technique that helps fill in areas that are not growing well and gives new grass seedlings a better chance of surviving and growing. It’s best to overseed when temperatures are cool. In other words, wait until summer has started before overseeding; you’ll also want to wait until your soil is dry enough that it won’t wick away moisture from your seedlings.
When it comes to seeding your lawn, there are two main types of seed available. The first is known as uniform seed, and that’s what most pros recommend. These seeds will germinate at about 95 percent rate; with less expensive uniform seed, germination rates are likely to be closer to 85 percent.
To ensure an even distribution of seeds, experts recommend raking lightly or using a roto-tiller prior to sprinkling over them. You should also use a fertilizer to help provide additional nutrients for growing grass.
To overseed your lawn, you’ll need seed, of course. However, it’s also recommended to purchase fertilizer and a rake or roto-tiller for the best results.
Weed Control
Weed control is important because weeds can interfere with grass growth and cause your lawn to die. Using weed killer on your lawn will eliminate unwanted plants, allowing your lawn to flourish and look its best. Weed killer also contains herbicides that kill off other invasive plants that might otherwise take over your garden. Plants like dandelions, for example, can overtake a lawn very quickly if not treated with herbicide.
It’s important to use it when weeds are young so they don’t have time to spread or grow into large patches. There are several different methods for applying weed killer, but one of the easiest ways is by using a sprayer attached to your hose.
You’ll find different types of weed killers at most hardware stores. Look for brands that are non-selective and effective against broadleaf weeds—weeds such as clover, chickweed, henbit, oxalis and ragweed. Weeds such as crabgrass should be treated with specific herbicides containing crabgrass preventer.
Fertilizing is one of those all-encompassing lawn maintenance activities, but it’s an important one. It feeds your grass and replenishes nutrients that have been depleted by winter weather, leaving your lawn strong and healthy for warmer months. Without it, you could end up with sparse patches or brown spots on your grass.
There are many different types of fertilizer—it’s important to know what type your garden needs. You can get a bag of organic fertilizer or a bottle of inorganic fertilizer; both are helpful. They can also vary in price depending on where you buy them and how much product is in each container, but typically cost between $10 and $50 per bag. In addition, fertilizers come with instructions that tell you how much product to use per square foot, so make sure to follow these guidelines carefully!
Shop ReStore for lawn and garden needs
A green lawn is a joy to behold, but it can also be a costly one to maintain. By prepping your lawn for summer with products from your local ReStore, or ReStore online, you can save on these costs while also protecting your family and reducing your carbon footprint. Our associates are here to help guide you in making lawn-friendly choices that don’t sacrifice quality or style. Pick up a few supplies at our Dallas locations or ReStore online and get ready for another great season of outdoor living!